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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Krenkow, F.//Yalaoui, M., "al-Tilimsānī." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 499-500. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1999.
Subjects: Individuals--Afif al-Tilimsani Sulayman b. Ali/Individuals--Shabb al-Zarif al-Tilimsani
2. Huart, Clément, "ʿAfîf-eddîn Soléïmân de Tlemcen et son fils l'Adolescent spirituel." In Centenario della nascita di Michele Amari. 262-283. Palermo: Stabilimento tipografico Virzì, 1910.
Subjects: Individuals--Afif al-Tilimsani Sulayman b. Ali/Individuals--Shabb al-Zarif al-Tilimsani/Literature
3. Hussein, Ali Ahmad, "The Rhetorical Fabric of a Seventh/Thirteenth-Century Sufi Poem by ʿAfīf al-Dīn al-Tilimsānī." In Doing Justice to a Wronged Literature: Essays on Arabic Literature and Rhetoric of the 12th-18th Centuries in Honour of Thomas Bauer. Edited by Hakan Özkan and Nefeli Papoutsakis. 10-35. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2022.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization: Studies and Texts, 194
Subjects: Individuals--Afif al-Tilimsani Sulayman b. Ali/Literature/Religion--Sufism



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